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à 5.5èVerb Phrases, and Participles
ä:èIn the sentences in the Example, underline the verb
#ëI ╕have╗ ╕heard╗ a ringing in my ear.ïI ╕will╗ ╕lose╗ my nerve.
#You ╕are╗ ╕running╗ into trouble.ïHe ╕could╗ ╕be╗ ╕falling╗ into the
#pit.ïShe ╕might╗ ╕be╗ your salvation.ïIt ╕could╗ ╕locate╗ gold. She
#╕should╗ ╕have╗ ╕been╗ ╕warned╗. They ╕did╗ ╕resist╗ my grip.ïJane ╕had
#╕gone╗ home.ïSam ╕has╗ ╕caught╗ pneumonia.
éS All verb phrases consist of one or more helping verbs plus the
main verb. A comprehensive list of helping verbs is as follows.ïMany
#helping verbs are forms of the verb be: ╖am, are, is, was, were, am
#╖being, are being, is being, was being, were being, can be, could be,
#╖may be, might be, must be, shall be, should be, will be, would be, have
#╖been, has been, had been, could have been, may have been, might have
#╖been, must have been, shall have been, should have been, will have been,
#╖would have been.ï╗Other helping verbs are ╖can, could, would, will,
#╖shall, might, may, must, has, have, had, do, does, did.╗ïMain verbs
that are the base form of the verb are preceded by the helping verbs
#╖can, could, will, shall, would, might, may, must, do, does, ╗and ╖did.
#In ╖I can see the twisty tower, can╗ is the helping verb, and ╖see╗, the
#base form of the verb ╖see╗, is the main verb.ïThe main verbs preceded
#by forms of the verb ╖be╗ or by ╖has, have, ╗and ╖had╗ are either pre-
#sent or past participles.ïIn ╖I had dissolved the tablet, had╗ is the
#helping verb, and ╖dissolved╗ (the base verb form ╖dissolve╗ plus ╖d╗) is
#the past participle. In ╖I am traveling to the cavern, am ╗is the help-
#ing verb, and ╖traveling╗ (the base verb form ╖travel╗ plus ╖ing╗) is the
#main verb.ïA verb phrase consist of either two (Boy, ╖could╗ he ╖shovel
#snow!), three (They ╖might have witnessed ╗a crime) or four words (We
#╖should have been shivering╗, but we weren't).
1.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a verb phrase
where the main verb is the base form of the verb?
A)ïThey will not invest in your company.
B)ïShould you be rescheduling the ad?
C)ïI have reduced your payments.
#ü ╢Will invest╗ is the verb phrase containing the base form of the
#verb ╢invest╗ as the main verb: ╢will╗ is the helping verb.ïIn another
#sentence, the verb phrase ╖should be rescheduling╗ contains the present
#participle ╖rescheduling╗ as the main verb: ╖should╗ and ╖be╗ are the
#helping verbs.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖have reduced╗ is the verb
#phrase containing the past participle ╖reduced╗ as the main verb; ╖have
is the helping verb.
2.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a verb phrase
where the main verb is the present participle?
A)ïIn my dream, I am trying in vain to find my parents.
B)ïWe have remained at home because of the slick roads.
C)ïCould they reverse their decision?
#ü The verb phrase ╢am trying╗ contains the present participle
#╢trying╗ as the main verb preceded by the helping verb ╢am╗.ïIn an-
#other sentence, ╖have remained╗ is a verb phrase; ╖remained╗, the past
#participle, is the main verb and ╖have╗ is the helping verb.ïThe last
#sentence contains the verb phrase ╖could reverse.ï╗Acting as the
#main verb, ╖reverse╗ is the base form of the verb, and ╖could╗ is the
helping verb.
3.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a verb phrase
where the main verb is the past participle?
A)ïDid you escape from the traffic accident without any bruises?
B)ïWere you flirting with my mother?
C)ïMy glass project could have been broken in school last year.
#ü The verb phrase ╢could have been broken╗ contains the past parti-
#ciple ╢broken╗ as the main verb; ╢could have been╗ are the helping
#verbs.ïIn another sentence, ╖did escape╗ is a verb phrase, with ╖escape
#as the base form of the verb functioning as the main verb, and ╖did
is the helping verb.ïIn the remaining sentence, the verb phrase
#╖were flirting╗ contains the present participle ╖flirting╗ as the main
#verb, and ╖were╗ is the helping verb.
4.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a verb phrase
with a present participle and another verb phrase with a past participle?
A)ïThe train was squeaking badly as it was leaving the station.
B)ïI might have bought that camera yesterday if my father had not
è grounded me.
C)ïWe will be planning a trip because our boss has given us the time.
#ü The verb phrase ╢will be planning╗ contains the present partici-
#ple ╢planning╗ as a main verb, with ╢will╗ and ╢be╗ as the helping verbs
#In that same sentence, the verb phrase ╢has given╗ contains the past
#participle ╢given╗ as a main verb preceded by the helping verb ╢has╗.
Another sentence has two past participles in two verb phrases: the
#verb phrase ╖might have bought╗ contains the past participle ╖bought╗ as
#a main verb preceded by the helping verbs ╖might have╗, and the verb
#phrase ╖had grounded╗ contains the past participle ╖grounded╗ as a main
#verb preceded by the helping verb ╖had╗.ïThe remaining sentence has two
#verb phrases with present participles.ïThe verb phrase ╖was squeaking
#contains the present participle ╖squeaking╗ as the main verb preceded by
#the helping verb ╖was╗.ïThe verb phrase ╖was leaving╗ contains the pre-
#sent participle ╖leaving╗ as a main verb preceded by the helping verb ╖
ä:èIn the sentences in the Example, underline the present
and past participles that act as adjectives.
#âS: The ╕harassed╗ horse finally swatted the flies on his back.
#êèThe ╕continuing╗ story about the scandal soon got boring.
#╕╗êèThe trainer, ╕elated╗ and ╕smiling╗, bowed.
#êèI jumped on the bus that had the ╕sashshaying╗ woman on board.
éS Present and past participles that are not main verbs in verb
phrases are called verbals: verbals never function as verbs.ïA parti-
#ciple acting as an adjective can come in front of a noun.ïIn ╖The
#╖misbehaving student saw the counselor, misbehaving╗ is a present parti-
#ciple used as an adjective modifying the noun ╖student╗.ïIn ╖I am con-
#╖fident that, as expected, you will turn in a charming paper, charming
#is a present participle used as an adjective modifying the noun ╖paper.
Or a participle acting as an adjective may come right after the noun it
#modifies, as in ╖The doctor, bedraggled and bedridden, now knew what
#╖some of his patients suffered.ïBedraggled╗ and ╖bedridden╗ are past
#participles used as adjectives modifying the noun ╖doctor╗.
5.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a present
participle used as an adjective?
A)ïThe pipe was leaking into the aluminum pan.
B)ïThe decreasing price of coffee pleased many consumers.
C)ïAnimal studies are indicating that some chimpanzees have very high
è levels of calcium in their bones.
#ë╢Decreasing╗ is a present participle used as an adjective modifying
#the noun ╢price╗.ïThe other sentences each have a present participle as
#the main verb in a verbal phrase: ╖leaking╗ in ╖was leaking╗ and ╖indi-
#╖cating╗ in ╖are indicating.
6.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a present
participle used as an adjective?
A)ïAre you continuing your Bible studies?
B)ïIs it a fact that his horseplay at work is a reoccurring problem?
C)ïI was slouching in my favorite chair.
#ë╢Reoccurring╗ is a present participle used as an adjective modify-
#ing ╢problem╗.ïThe other sentences each have a present participle
#functioning as the main verb in a verb phrase: ╖continuing╗ in ╖are con-
#╖tinuing╗ and ╖slouching╗ in ╖was slouching╗.
7.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a present
participle used as an adjective?
A)ïAre we sufficiently entertained today?
B)ïThe beeping sounds awoke me.
C)ïShe could have been sweeping the stairs for Charlene.
#ü ╢Beeping╗ is a present participle functioning as an adjective
#that directly precedes the noun ╢sounds╗ that it modifies.ïIn another
#sentence, the present participle╖ sweeping╗ is a main verb used as the
#present participle in the verb phrase ╖could have been sweeping╗.ïIn
#the remaining sentence, ╖entertaining╗ is a present participle used as
#a main verb in the verb phrase ╖are entertaining.
8.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a present
participle used as an adjective?
A)ïSy is devoted to camping.
B)ïThe official was mumbling.
C)ïSusan's always amusing riddles never bore me.
#ë╢Amusing ╗is the present participle used as an adjective modifying
#the noun ╢riddles╗.ïIn another sentence, ╖camping╗ is a gerund, the ob-
#ject of the preposition ╖to╗.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖mumbling╗ is
#a present participle used as the main verb in the verb phrase ╖was
9.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a present
participle used as an adjective?
A)ïDiving at night was his obsession.
B)ïThe dial suddenly began rotating.
C)ïI might have been living in Tahiti if the government had not con-
è fiscated my investments.
ëThere is no present participle acting as an adjective in any of
#ç sentences.ï╖Diving╗ is a gerund acting as the subject of the verb
#form ╖was╗.ïIn another sentence ╖rotating╗ is a gerund acting as the
#direct object of the verb form ╖began╗.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖
#╖living ╗is a present participle acting as the main verb in the verb
#phrase ╖might have been living╗.